Love at First Sight. 4 / 5

Directed by Claire Oakley.
After Ruth moves in with her boyfriend in a remote holiday park, tensions rise as she makes an unsettling discovery that lures her into a spiral of obsession.
An unexpectedly touching film, Make Up explores self-discovery in a small and fragile love story.
Young love is at the very centre of this film, it's what brings the characters together and what pushes the film forward. There's something hauntingly beautiful and nostalgic about it all.
Molly Windsor is outstanding in the lead role. We watch her learn about her wants, needs and see her grow as an individual through the runtime. As her anxieties grow and her suspicion eats away at her, she goes through a captivating journey creating a gripping character study and some stunning visuals, especially in the closing scenes.
A stunning debut by Claire Oakley, there is so much care put into every scene and you can really tell that it's a passion project and a story that she has been longing to tell.
The less said about this the better, a graceful piece set against the bleak off-season British seaside, it’s a delicate and intriguing look at modern love.
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